A generative PFP collection of heart-shaped monstrosities with a collection size of 250.
From the mind of Scribble Warlock comes the unhinged, exaggerated, and deviant little alien species of HEART TARTS. These living heart candies spend their days smooching, flirting, cuddling, and doing every other unspoken activity your sick mind can think of. For them, Valentine's day doesn't just come once a year. It is a way of life. If you ever come across one of these creatures you can quickly befriend them by reading the word inscribed onto their sugary head. The lucky few might even be invited to one of their candy raves where you will be expected to shake your buns until the sun comes up. No matter which TART you end up meeting, they are all instilled with the love of the universe and are bound to shower you in gifts and kindness. Maybe we can learn something from these horny little devils and show our Valentine some love as often as we can. This collection was created in collaboration with Metapep Labs.